Friday, June 25, 2010

Grampa's Day

A Grandpa story 

Last Friday, I had to leave early to play for a wedding.  Nathan and Andrew were in charge of Grandpa.  After changing Andrew, Grandpa discovered Nathan was too quiet and missing.  He found him in the pantry.  The cat’s water had been spilled and splashed all over the floor.  Nathan, now a little wet, was surprised to see Grandpa show up so quickly.  Terry tried with difficulty to pry the kibbles from his mouth, but Nathan actually seemed to think they were as good as the organic graham crackers Gramma gives him as a treat. 

What Grandpa learned from his boys…

A tag team approach, can overwhelm a man twice your height.
Silence isn’t golden.  It means trouble.
Yogurt is a good mouth freshener, if you’ve eaten dry catfood.

Happy Father’s Day, Grandpa.

Thanks for teaching me to stop and smell the flowers.

So, this is what guys do when they “hang out.”

Twin Teachers

What I Have Learned from Nathan and Andrew…

Do whatever you have to, in order to get someone to hold and comfort you.  It’s worth it.

Don’t do anything dangerous unless someone is close enough to save you.

Life is easier and more fun when someone else is pushing the stroller or pulling the wagon.

Never stay inside, if someone will take you out.

I wonder how long it will take Grandpa to find me back here?

Monkey see, monkey do.

“Come on Andrew, the world’s waiting.”

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rocking the Twins' World

This is the week Andrew learned to open the front door.  Thankfully, we have an alarm system so we can hear when someone tries to escape. 

Andrew is sitting in a rocking chair made by his great-great-great grandfather.  It was my mother’s.  Nathan is sitting in the chair made for the twins’ father by the guy in the middle.

Nathan is demonstrating his early Suzuki training at the piano.

Have you ever seen such a cute face?  And such a positive self-image?  That’s life through rose-colored glasses.

Twins Flying

Andrew kindly pushes his brother, Nathan, around in their Mickey plane.  We’ve encouraged Nathan to take a turn at pushing, but he doesn’t think it’s nearly as much fun.  Two on a Mickey plane is a tight fit.

Grandpa can even make boxes fly.

Two on a Mickey plane is a tight fit.

Tired Twins

The boys have cut their naps down to one per day.  They’re moving up in daycare to the “big boys’ class” and there's only time for one nap.  As you can see, Andrew was exhausted by the time Friday rolled around and didn’t survive our stroller ride.  Nathan didn’t make it through lunch.  Or maybe, I’m not as exciting as I thought I was.