I have a different perspective on the expanding minds of children than I did with my own. I remember telling Ryan Joseph to stop acting like he was 5 years old. He responded, “but I am 5” I answered, “I know. Stop it.” Now everything the boys do seems less a sign of developing an autonomous mind and an individual personality. Grandchildren are a second opportunity to get it right.
I wouldn’t want you to think everything goes perfectly at Gramma’s. I have included a few pictures that show a different side of life as a twin.
Nathan loves the wand from his bubble bottle; the one that no longer has soap or a cap. I cannot say exactly what preceded these pictures, but as near as I can tell Andrew somehow got a hold of the “magic wand.” Of course, when Nathan discovered it, he corrected the situation (possession is 9/10ths of the law). By the time I became aware of the crisis, the wand was back in Nathan’s hand and he was backing himself out of reach behind the piano quickly. Andrew’s face registered indignation, but he hadn’t yet started his revenge plan. Gramma decided to move in quickly to cut them off at the pass. Andrew was closing in on Nathan, so I suggested he use his magic word, “please.” “Please, please, please,” Andrew began pitifully. I could see his manners were falling on deaf ears with Nathan, who was now looking for a hiding place under the piano. Gramma still had an illusion of bringing peace and harmony to the situation. Not soon enough, though. Andrew took one look at Gramma’s lack of real results and threw himself onto the floor in despair of justice ever prevailing. He is definitely a high soprano.
At that point, Nathan observed that Andrew had scored sympathy points with Gramma and came running out from behind the piano to also throw himself onto the floor; crying hysterically. Not to be outdone, Grandpa threw himself on the floor and began howling. The boys didn’t even notice Grandpa or the camera that Gramma was wielding.
Nathan still has a stronghold on the “magic wand.”
The call “who wants a snack?” provided the necessary distraction and a pumpkin muffin changed everyone’s attitude.