We may have to suspend a few of our lifeskill activities, that I thought were such a great idea. We usually do laundry, because Andrew and I needed something to do while Nathan washes his hands for 15 minutes. We were working on using a dust pan and broom, scooping up dead leaves from an orange tree. Andrew loved the activity and would often return the leaves to the floor, so he could repeat the process again and again. This week he decided to add harvesting the oranges to our list of duties. I can see how this would make sense to him. While I tried to explain to Andrew that we shouldn't pick the oranges, Nathan was busy beginning his own harvest.
What do you mean, these aren't for picking?
I cannot tell a lie; I did it, too.
I'm learning how to be an attorney in Twindom, where possession isn't 9/10ths of the law; it's the whole law. Nathan wasn't even aware his brother covetted the toy he was playing with, when his brother came up and shoved him. He turned around and looked at Andrew thinking he had simply fallen against him and went back to his toy. At that point, Andrew's hands were raised and heading for the head of curls that stands out like a target. Gramma's arms scooped Nathan up before he lost handfuls of hair. Nathan, was still oblivious to the peril he had been in. Andrew was not pleased with this and threw himself onto the floor. I had to walk away before I started laughing at the drama before me. When Grampa came to see why Andrew was upset, he joined him on the floor. Living with Gramma, he could commiserate with Andrew. In seconds, Andrew and Grampa were into a new game. Seconds after that, Nathan was checking out what the two of them were up to. All was forgiven and the sun came out to dry up all the rain.

Life is just not fair!
Been there, done that. I know just what you mean.
Well us guys just have to stick together.
Grampa, you bring out the sun!
Auntie Rebecca came from Chicago to visit the boys and have a headlight fixed. They were thrilled to have her take them on their first wagon ride of the new year and came back with cold noses and fingers. Andrew, always the helper, assisted Grampa in fixing her car.
Just a few more pushes and it will be out of the garage.
We've got our own red car just like Auntie Becca's! The gas mileage is pretty good, too.