Look what I made! It doesn't light up, play music or need batteries.
Matchbox cars go back 3 generations in the Goedken family. They are the ultimate collectible.
Twin slides.
One of the reasons the boys love eating at Gramma's.
We allow them to do things their parents would be horrified by. And we top it off by laughing at their shenanigans. Our children were never allowed to eat like this. Terry could be driven crazy if they blew bubbles in their drinks. Our parenting style has mellowed since the twins. I notice that Terry will compliment the boys when they listen and do what he asks with, "Thank you for listening." He just took it for granted that our children would listen and do whatever he said. I remember Ryan Joseph's 10th birthday party, which was at a bowling alley. Terry came to me and said, "These boys aren't paying attention to anything I tell them." I wondered what planet he had been living on. At the same birthday party, we returned home and unloaded a car full of 10 year-old boys, only to realize one of them was still wearing his bowling shoes.
As the boys speak more clearly and with longer sentences, their expressions become more entertaining. I heard Andrew come up behind Grampa and ask, "Whatcha doin' Grampa?" I wondered how Grampa was going to explain that sometimes he just stands looking into the fridge to see if he's hungry.
I know Nathan and Andrew enjoy their time with us. That's such a comfort when you feel yourself turning another corner of life. It feels like the most significant things in life are aligned with a higher power. From the moment the door opens and Nathan comes running into my arms, I know their lives are a gift to us. Jeni told me they try to encourage the boys to eat by telling them Gramma or Grampa made it and sent it for them. For Father's Day, Jeni prepared a breakfast in bed for Ryan Joseph; a rare treat for a mother or father of young twins. Not to mention the difficulty of preparing a breakfast with the twins' help and distraction. After Jeni finished the breakfast and presented it to Ryan Joseph, Andrew explained that Gramma and Grampa had made it. I guess he wanted to be certain that his daddy ate it.