Saturday, May 29, 2010

Twins' Knees

The boys are learning what warm weather brings.  For one thing; shorts.  Andrew seemed disturbed  that his knees were showing.  I think he thought his pants were too short.  He kept showing his knees to Grandpa and looking like he expected him to help.  The boys already identify Grandpa as the guy who can “fix it.”  And warmer weather means the outside world.  This was the first time they ever actually moved on the grass.  Until now, they touched the grass and then froze in their tracks, until Gramma came and scooped them up.  Rebecca studying in the hammock turned out to be the incentive for an expedition into the yard.  They like swinging in the hammock and are content to go for a ride.  Grandpa didn’t like the idea of scraping their knees on the patio, so he covered it with blankets.  How long before Grandpa can’t take the bumps out of their lives?  As you know, from previous emails, they are very interested in water properties.  And warm weather brings in the surf.  We thought starting with a pool would have been overwhelming (for them and us), so we decided to start small and work our way up.  I discovered the size of the water source has no relationship to how wet they can get. 

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