Saturday, December 4, 2010

Decorating the Tree on Twins' Friday

I decided to let my boys help me decorate the bottom of my tree on Friday.  I prided myself with the fact that experience has made me so clever.  I KNEW to put all the non-breakable ornaments on the bottom branches.  Ryan Joseph took one look at my partially decorated tree and told me they have no ornaments on the bottom half of their tree.  I considered that perhaps he still had a thing or two to learn from his clever mother.  THEN we started to decorate the tree.  The boys were thrilled with the activity.  They handed me ornaments from the boxes and I put them on the tree, where they thought they looked best.  “Ball, bell, angel, …” the boys proclaimed as on they went.  “Oops ball, oops bell, oops angel, …” as the boys removed them and brought them to me.  I tried stepping up my speed to double time (I am a musician. I can do that.)  The twins obviously share my musical talent as they also double timed their work.  One broken ornament later,  (one I thought was unbreakable wasn’t) the boys were ahead 2-1.  Who knew the beauty of a Christmas tree is that it can be decorated and redecorated over and over, all day long?  I will never tire of hearing their voices light up with “Christmas tree, Christmas tree!” said with the annunciation of those wonderful toddler voices.

Pic. 1 – Andrew’s look just after removing yet another ornament from the tree.

Pic. 2 – Nathan’s look just before removing yet another ornament from the tree.

Pic. 3 – The look of a job well done and thoroughly enjoyed. 

1 comment:

  1. They're so stinkin' cute. Love the cheeks!! Ducky (Karen's sister)
