The boys have learned a new way to wrap Gramma and Grampa around their fingers. Nathan came into the room and said, "Gramma, I need to see whatcha doing, Honey." Grampa told me Andrew said, "Grampa, come up here Honey." I asked if he went and he said, "of course!" Gramma and Grampa are eating up the "Honeys." Winnie the Pooh would love them. The boys learned this from their mother and I hope it never stops. Who could turn down a request like, "Gramma, could I have one more TCOOKIE, Honey?" (Nathan is still workig on his K sounds.) Soon they're going to learn their "Honeys" will get them whatever they want. My grandmother told me, "You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar." She was the smartest woman that ever lived.
I found Andrew totally engrossed in this computer game with all kinds of little beeping sounds. I didn't rememer that we had any small games that he could have found. When I looked closer, I realized he had my alarm clock. I relied on Grampa to fix it, and suggested if he needed help he could check with Andrew. I'm learning to think in military time now.
Nathan is applying lip gloss. He knows to rub his lips together and make a smacking sound after applying it.
Is that my chip clip on my schiflera? I was wondering why it had started to drop so many leaves. I don't know who to give credit to for this one. But I suspect Andrew. He knows his way around a chip clip and has always had a bit of a grudge against my schiflera. The plant is huge and reaches out to grab little boys.
Grammpa shows the boys a magic trick that makes money appear. They see Daddy's money and know they want some. Andrew wants Grampa to do the trick again and again. Gramma wants Grampa to do the trick for her, too.
You can hear Nate begging for money in the background. At least he is saying please!
ReplyDeleteWe'll have to work on "I need money, Honey."