Saturday, August 27, 2011

Poolside Karaoke

Surf's Up at Gramma's in Auntie Becca's pool.  We especially like the cup holders for our ice water.  It's like a poolside bar.

What I wouldn't give for Nathan's flexiblility.  His father was able to do floor exercises in his karate classes with his legs completely extended out.  He once attended an adult karate examination and while warming up slowly drew the attention and admirations of every adult in the room.  You could see the heads turning one by one, until the entire room was watching him.  Ryan Joseph, with his usual focus, was oblivious to the commotion around him. 
There are a few things that are easier for children than adults.  Getting things out from behind the couch, touching ther toes and being forgiven are a couple more.

I'm kicking, but I don't seem to be getting very far.

Gramma has told me three times, "Andrew, DO NOT take the balloon off the boat.".  I'm closing my eyes to let her know I can't hear her.  I've seen Grampa try this.  I'm not sure it's working, because she keeps repeating the same thing.  I don't know why she doesn't get the message.

As you can see, I had to learn for myself.  Without the balloon the boat won't go.

I think you call this a doggie paddle.

Grampa says these wrinkles aren't a sign of old age.  They just mean pool time is over.

I hope Gramma lets me have my nap soon.

Gramma thought she wore me out in the pool, but actually I didn't have a nap, yesterday. When Mommy came to check on me, she found me outside my crib handing toys to Nathan. I knew when I saw her face, it was time for one of my most endearing smiles. Thank you God for making me cute and irresistible.

Looks like Grampa needs his nap, too.

What is it abut a microphone that brings out the performer in everyone?  And notice what lengths others will go to, to get the attention back onto them.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Matt!


Daddy, what big eyes you have!
 I know Daddy loves us, because he spends so much time sharing laughter with us.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

E - I - E - I - O

The Minnesota cousins have arrived and we're off to the farm. 

I wonder if we'll see any animals there.

A train, a train! We're going to ride a train!
A train has rules; once you're seated, you can't get out, and only the conductor may say, "All aboard."

The train's horn says, "Whoo, whoo,"  From the train car we saw a cow, a horse and even a bear. 
Oh, my!

There are no seat belts on this train.  I'll sit by Gramma and make sure she's safe.


Waiting your turn is easy if someone holds you and waits with you.

These horses are just my size. They go up and down with the music. I'm riding the white horse, so that means I'm the good guy.
I'm the Black Knight.

Kevin, don't you think I have the fastest horse?

Kevin and Amanda know how to have fun. They took such special care of us. I can't wait for them to come back. Maybe they'll teach us how to sleigh ride.  Gramma says they have lots of snow in Minnesota.

The troll asks, "Who's that tramping on my bridge?" 

Baa, baa, have you any wool?

Why is that goat following me?  Is he the Billy Goat Gruff Gramma told us about? 
Yikes, Amanda, I need you!

Shall I brush your fur toward your ears or toward your tail?

Look, there are handicapped animals on this farm.

I wonder what this chicken's eggs look like.

Would you like Farmer Andrew to give you a good brushing?

Amanda, you hold him for me.  He keeps getting away.

Where are all those pellets coming from?

Look Kevin, I think they're coming out of the back of the sheep. 
Here comes Gramma moving fast and looking worried. 

Gramma didn't seem to think it was a good idea to stamp on the pellets with my new shoes. 
I wonder why?

Are you making any pellets?

I didn't know that a farm had a playground.

Follow me.  This is the way dowm.

I got really hungry working at on the farm.  You need MAN size lunches for energy.

I can't believe I ate cheeseburger, pizza and French fries. 
I guess the fresh farm smells give you a big appetite.

Kevin's blue Gatorade is the best.  Is my tongue turning blue?


Ring around the Rosie.  I'm getting so dizzy.  I think I may fall down.

I need to choke up on this bat a bit and then I'll be ready.  I think Gramma struck out the last time she was up to bat.  You would think she would have learned something living on that golf course.

I didn't know someone invented GREEN golf balls. I LOVE this game.

Kevin, watch me.  I've got the idea of the game now.  You need an easy swing to try to hit the ball hard so it goes into that little hole.  Then you stand around while everyone else tries to do the same thing.  But I haven't seen that guy, Mulligan, yet. 


I can see why the rules say, "Only Four Jumpers Allowed At the Same Time."
I hope these mothers can count.

Every farm should have a Jumping House. 

We're the only animals left in here.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Satuday In the Park

It was a day for firsts.  We took the boys to their first pork and corn roast.  They saw their first tractors and loved sitting behind the wheel. They got a kick out of Daddy and Gramma on the tractors, too.  I think there were quite a few gasps from the crowd when Gramma mounted her tractor.  It was her first time on one.  Grampa drove his Uncle Joe's tractor when he was young, although he was only allowed to drive it straight.  The boys like the steering part.  

Their Great-great-grandfathers Lynch, McWilliams, Heiderscheit and Goedken were farmers.  Perhaps the land is in their blood.  Or perhaps they inherited an attraction to wheels.  Their Great-grandfather Goedken drove a 18 wheeler and won every truck rodeo he entered.  He owned his own truck and Grampa Terry used to love to wash it for him.

"I NEED to drive the tractor," Nathan told me, as soon as he spotted it.

The boys had their first hot dog.  Each one ate a whole hot dog, plus beans, applesauce, barbecued pork and corn.  Andrew enjoyed eating his corn Daddy style.

Andrew is at home with the animals.  He puts his face right in theirs and looks into their eyes.  They tend to back up before he does. 

Just after I took this picture, Andrew picked up the poor chicken.  We encouraged him to put her down.  We think he might have been checking for eggs.

Nathan prefers to be a couple of feet above the animals in the safety of Grampa's arms.

It was also their first concert.  As we entered the pork roast, Nathan froze and listened intently.  "I think I hear music," he told us.  He couldn't get to the music stage fast enough.  "I want to see the violin."  We explained there was no violin in the band.  He studied the drummer's technique as if he was hypnotized and enjoyed the keyboardists glissandos.  The tables weren't close enough for him.  He had to sit directly in front of the stage to be sure he didn't miss anything.

Andrew was interested in dancing to the music. He did not learn his dance moves from his Grampa.

It was their first pony ride.  I know it won't be their last.  Andrew prefers to study the horses, rather than to ride them.  Nathan NEEDS to drive them.  Gramma didn't try to ride a pony.  She doesn't do well going in circles.