Saturday, August 27, 2011

Poolside Karaoke

Surf's Up at Gramma's in Auntie Becca's pool.  We especially like the cup holders for our ice water.  It's like a poolside bar.

What I wouldn't give for Nathan's flexiblility.  His father was able to do floor exercises in his karate classes with his legs completely extended out.  He once attended an adult karate examination and while warming up slowly drew the attention and admirations of every adult in the room.  You could see the heads turning one by one, until the entire room was watching him.  Ryan Joseph, with his usual focus, was oblivious to the commotion around him. 
There are a few things that are easier for children than adults.  Getting things out from behind the couch, touching ther toes and being forgiven are a couple more.

I'm kicking, but I don't seem to be getting very far.

Gramma has told me three times, "Andrew, DO NOT take the balloon off the boat.".  I'm closing my eyes to let her know I can't hear her.  I've seen Grampa try this.  I'm not sure it's working, because she keeps repeating the same thing.  I don't know why she doesn't get the message.

As you can see, I had to learn for myself.  Without the balloon the boat won't go.

I think you call this a doggie paddle.

Grampa says these wrinkles aren't a sign of old age.  They just mean pool time is over.

I hope Gramma lets me have my nap soon.

Gramma thought she wore me out in the pool, but actually I didn't have a nap, yesterday. When Mommy came to check on me, she found me outside my crib handing toys to Nathan. I knew when I saw her face, it was time for one of my most endearing smiles. Thank you God for making me cute and irresistible.

Looks like Grampa needs his nap, too.

What is it abut a microphone that brings out the performer in everyone?  And notice what lengths others will go to, to get the attention back onto them.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Matt!


Daddy, what big eyes you have!
 I know Daddy loves us, because he spends so much time sharing laughter with us.

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