Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fathers and Sons

The boys arrived on Thursday for a sleepover.  There was too much chatter coming from the room to believe they were asleep.  Gramma would check on them and suggest it would be easier to sleep if they closed their eyes.  "I'm not sleepy," explained Nathan.  "Well, Gramma and Mousey are; so be really quiet, so we can get to sleep," I requested.  When Grampa came to check, he caught sight of two boys out of bed.  "Get back in bed," boomed a gruff voice.  There was a scramble and a couple of flying monkeys.  By the time he got to the doorway, there were two boys face down in bed, stone still.  Grampa must have been mistaken.  Those two boys were sound asleep.

Nathan doesn't look sleepy.

"Spike," Andrew's bedtime fellow, doesn't even look sleepy.

Nolan wants to help with laundry, just like his cousins.

Andrew wants to experience life like a baby again.

It's intriguing that you can never watch the washing machine work,  I've explained it doesn't work if you lift the lid.  Nathan and Andrew can't figure out how it knows if you lift the lid.  One of these engineers will figure out how to outsmart it pretty soon, if the motor holds out long enough.

Andrew's imagination is always working.  He's wearing yesterday's socks on his hands.  He repeats words over and over rhythmically and even puts melodies to them.  He made six songs up before lunch.  They are catchy enough that the rest of us can sing along; and do.

Another warm day to enjoy the pool.  The boys are beginning swim lessons.  Every time they get their faces wet, Gramma gives a thumbs up cheer.  At first they were a little upset by water in their face and eyes.  Eventually, they began to do it on purpose, letting me know it was time for another cheer.  

When my own children went to the pool, I positioned myself directly beneath the lifeguard.  Terry found it interesting that I stood on guard, when I hate being in the water and was not likely to be able to save anyone, including myself.  I explained that I kept a very close eye on my children.  If there was a problem, I would have the lifeguard in the pool, before he/she knew who actually had thrown them into the pool.

Nathan is drying his suit.

Nolan likes the properties of water.  He reaches for toys floating and likes to fly around the pool.

Nolan enjoys the "minnow" class.

Grampa lost ONE slipper while the boys were here.  He likes his slippers and wanted it returned immediately.  When he asked the boys, he got no clue as to the slipper's location.  Nathan, always helpful and kind, told him he would help him peek for it.  Grampa looked confused and asked if he meant he would help him search for it.  Nathan replied, "No, I'll help you peek for it."  Peeking must not be the best way to search, because the slipper remained lost.  Later, while putting toys away, Grampa found his slipper on one of the toy shelves.  There were styrofoam peanuts inside.  When he showed it to Nathan, he said he needed a place to put his peanuts.  I think he was trying to hide them from Andrew.

Father and Son.

Father and Son.

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