Sunday, August 12, 2012

Climb Every Ladder

Nathan asked to play the violin and had just begun, when Andrew said he wanted to play.  Grampa stepped in and explained he could have a turn after Nathan.  Andrew expressed his desire to play first.  Grampa compromised by explaining his turn could be after Nathan, but before Grampa's turn.  Andrew then laughed.  Crisis averted!

Nolan enjoys the road rally, too.

We headed to the park.  There was no one there, because it had rained a bit.  But Gramma is a good problem solver.  We brought towels to dry off the equipment.  I did have to explain to Andrew that we didn't need to clean the entire playgound. 

For boys it's a slippery slope from skill to death defying.  Sliding down the slide is so "last year."  

Now it's about climbing UP the slide.  

Nathan loves having a pedestal to lecture from.  He was naming all the things he thought were amazing.  Albert Einstein said, "There are two ways to live your life- one is as though nothing is a miracle; the other is as though everything is a miracle."  Nathan agrees with Einstein.

Andrew was ready to tackle the bent ladder.  Grampa and Daddy haven't done this with their ladders.

Nathan was the first to climb the ladder.  He listened and followed all of Gramma's directions; climbing his way successfully to the top.
Andrew was next and instinctively caught onto the shifting of feet and how to use his arms.  
Gramma did a virtual climb as she watched.

Nolan is trying to get a "handle" on his drinking.

Nathan makes sure Nolan's bottles are really clean.

After the boys told Graama they didn't want to take a nap, she asked them if they wanted to try napping outside.  Nathan said, "They never think of that at school!"  The wind chimes were very relaxing, but only Gramma dozed.

Nolan likes the experience of building with the blocks Grampa made.  

What a difference a week can make!  It's time to child proof again.  Nolan gets lots of encouragement to work on his mobility.

He's getting ready to participate in "boy" play.  

Who knew Gramma knew how to make ice cream cones?

Cramma shows the boys there's only one flavor that matters; chocolate!

Uncle Matt/Daddy shows the boys how to eat an ice cream cone without a bib.

It's all in the tongue.

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