Saturday, July 3, 2010


Rebecca moved out this week, so the boys now have a room of their own.  The cat is also gone.  He screamed the whole way to Chicago.  The boys were here to see him leave.  When Rebecca put him in his carrier, Nathan was very concerned and tried to figure out how to open it for him.  One of their favorite and earliest words was “cat.” 

They enjoy “Bubbas” with their friend, Linnae.  They like to “pop, pop” the bubbles.  Bubbles don’t light up, flash or make noise, but are still a favorite with children.  There’s something so refreshing about that.

This is Andrews’s “Whatcha talkin’ ‘bout, Willis?” face.  It’s right up there with his “fish face” and his “silly face.”  Andrew likes to wrap fabric around his neck like a cape.  It reminds me of his father’s superman pajamas.  I don’t think he wears them anymore, but if he does, it would explain Andrew’s tendency.  He also enjoys doing “The Wheels of the Bus” for an audience. 

What I learned from the twins this week:
                The fingerprints that I used to try so hard to remove from the mirrors and the windows, are actually beautiful memories.  After they go home, I sometimes wait a couple of days to remove them, because they remind me of the fun we had together.  I have found no sentimental excuse for the dust left for days, but I’m trying to keep an open mind.

                There aren’t enough Fridays in a week to satisfy a grandmother. 

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