Sunday, October 16, 2011

Huckleberry Hot Hot

Stringing beads is fun for the boys, but they always enjoy putting a new spin on their work.  How many beads can you fit on a hand?  Andrew, especially, enjoys just tossing all the beads onto the floor.  I have a difficult time understanding what makes that hilarious to him.  When I left the room, there were beads everywhere; under the couch, on the ottoman and in the fireplace.  When I returned, all of the beads had been returned to their box neatly.  I looked around to see if Grampa had passed through.  I asked the boys who had cleaned up the beads.  Nathan told me, "I did."  I was in total shock and told him I thought he was absolutely a wonderful boy.  Andrew, working nearby, replied, "I'm a wonderful boy, too."  As I was about to agree with Andrew,  Nathan piped in with, "You're not wonderful.  I AM."

This is the violin Gramma played as a child.  She wanted to play cello, but Uncle Jack (the boys' great-great-great uncle) had a violin and we couldn't afford a cello.  Nathan enjoys "plucking" the violin and singing with it.  Auntie Becca has her own violin and THREE bows in her case.  Perhaps Nathan wonders how she manages to play with three bows.

The boys can play Huckleberry Hot Hot on the piano and like to play it on the violin with Gramma's help.

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