Monday, October 17, 2011

Simon & Garfunkel

A beautiful day is meant to be enjoyed.  And if you want to learn how to enjoy a day, spend it with little people.  Nathan tried the green swing, then the orange swing and then the yellow swing.  We tried it with Gramma pushing from the front and from the back.  We tried it pushing high, higher and highest.

Andrew has spent an entire summer fascinated with the shovel in the sandbox.  He loves machines.  He now has enough strength to actually lift the shovel, so he can do more than clean the leaves and twigs out of the sandbox.

Gramma gave a few tips on good shoveling technique, which proved quite helpful.  And, of course she supplies all the encouragement a boy needs.
 Gramma doesn't own shoes appropriate for a sandbox.

Old friends, sat on the park bench like bookends.  Grampa packs a collection of interesting snacks for the boys to take to the park.  Gramma packs grapes.  The boys like both.

And he's off!  Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and plunge.

And sometimes it takes a drink or two before you're ready to take the plunge.

A summer of playing at the park has built confidence in two young boys.  They've learned to reach new heights, to persevere until they reach the top and when to call Gramma to help. They're never ready to go home, unless reminded that someone needs to check on Grampa.

There's a world of fun in chasing dreams and bubbles.  And sometimes you actually manage to catch one.

Auntie Becca shows her nephews the secret to the good life; resting in the sun.

When the boys were getting ready to go home, Auntie Becca asked for a kiss goodbye.  Nathan started to automatically oblige her, but then stopped short and asked her if she had a beard.  Sure she had misunderstood, she repeated what she thought she had heard back to him.  Yes, he wanted to feel first, before he was going kiss her.  She managed to pass the test.  I'm so thankful that they didn't ask me.  I would have to get a stronger light in my bathroom and a more powerful mirror.  

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